Sunday, 10 March 2019

Build up - the final stage.

I can't believe it, the ordered airco wiring harness is shipped back to the USA! I'm unsure why but I'm guessing the address or zipcode might have been wrong. Let's see how this will work out.

In any case today I finished the build up of the car. Starting with placing back the bonnett and struts:

Next the side bumpers and the bumper cover plate:

Putting back the front upper grille:

And the bumper and the lower grille:

And making a very short test drive. The weather was crap so I only drove 1 kilometer or so. All looks promising and the engine runs so smooth. Love it.

So I guess the next thing to arrange is the MOT and filling up the airco. Due to work and holiday leave this likely will be done by the end of this month.

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