Check this out:
Via this website : I stumbled upon these historical photo's. Click to enlarge:
I know I have posted this one before, but this is a very good complete scan. And a nice complimentary supplier match with yesterday posting.
Click the photo to enlarge:
The video below starts immediately when the XJS is being reviewed. There are 3 of them, only the first two are mentioned. The 3rd one is however visible as well but not mentioned while it's a special one, it's a Jubilee edition by Guy Salmon
Someone posted this series on Instagram and I now noticed there is another advert with a XJS as a prop.
I will upload the entire series on this blog just for the records.
A nice one for the Dutch audience, even in Dutch these adverts are subtle and sophisticated. It must be a late advert from the early nineties as they refer to the year of 88 and 90.
Oh well, because it's holiday season:
Lister - WP Automotive in Leatherhead 2/7/1990. Kind of a forecourt….
Photo by Robert Westall via Facebook group:
Jimmy Tarbuck Collecting His New XJ-S.
I had no idea who he was:
Not a exiting post but I noticed lately the Dutch Marktplaats is using a XJS as a prop on their TV commercial and online marketing. So I made this screenshot for the records only.
Apparently I was not only the one checking on the number plates for these cars. This link identified the correct plate numbers: