Sunday 28 August 2016


Today is the start of a new blog. As the title indicates it will be solely dedicated to the XJS and in particular about my XJS. For those who know me they are aware of my other blog dedicated to the Ferrari 400. For those who don't, it's located here

I have no intention to make it as extensive, frequently and indepth for various reasons. First and foremost there is a wealth of information easy and widely available about the XJS. Secondly, the time and money saved I want to spend on the car. I'm pretty sure there will be some nice automobilia available that I might purchase just to make it complete and Original.

So the main reason for this blog, as I intended at the time for the 400, is to keep track of the (maintenance) history and make relevant updates on my XJS as I go along. So yes, I might add some usefull documentation and links that come in handy for myself or others but it will be less detailed and complete.

Coming days I will do some retrospective updates on what happened recently and the reason why I chose to purchase the XJS.

Happy XJS everyone!


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