Saturday, 6 June 2020

Another one bites the dust

It's washing time. Although the car is usually under a cover it still ended up collecting quite a bit of dust. As I had to move out some other cars today it was a good time to sweep the floor and wash the car. It started up fairly easy after such a long periode of standing still. I have to admit I tried to start it up last week but the battery required to be recharged (sigh).

I'm still very pleased with the car despite the huge amount of work it did require. I like the looks, the color, interior, the whole lot. Although it does have some "minor" optical items to be worked upon it looks pretty okay after the wash.

Now the floor has been sweeped and the car has run a little I hope it now remains leak free. Something I can check next week.

Something I did notice today is that the power steering is working fine and does not make a  squeeking noise. At the time I had to fill it up to overcome the squeek. But also since it started to leak which is very likely caused by a hardened bad seal.  Curious to see if it still leaks, maybe it had been filled up to much. I know I checked the dipstick properly at the time. So not sure. I will check this next week.

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