Sunday 13 November 2016

After last weeks failed attempt as per blog:

I had to make a new attempt. To my surprise I was unable to locate my new purchased fuelpump. I couldn't believe it, completely lost. So I had to order a new one. This time around I figured to test it correctly first to ensure the + and - pole were correct. So I hooked it up with leads to a battery and it turns out it's correct. So last time around my assumption was incorrect and it was blowing instead of sucking because I reversed it without checking first. Sigh, I'm such an idiot.

In any case, I mounted the new one and it was working instantly. I have to say this one seems to make more noise then the Original one. It's a known complaint on some sources I have been reading recently.

After a small test drive it was however playing up again. On further inspection it turned out the sump tank wasn't filling up. So again I had to drain the main tank (I'm getting good at this). Although I had cleaned/rinsed the sump tank last time around it was of course silly to think the main tank would be properly clean, see blog:

Oh, also this time around the fuel gauge no longer appeared to be working fine (while last time around it magically started working by itself). When removing the sender unit and shining some light into the main tank it became very apparently the bottom was heavily contaminated just like the sump tank:

So very likely the hose from the main tank to the sump tank is heavily contaminated or partly blocked with dirt resulting into gas flowing very slowly into the sumptank and consequently drying up and the engine stalling. When disconnecting the fuel hose between the fuel pump and sump tank I blown air into the sump tank and I think this did the trick as an air of dirt left the tank via the sender unit hole. to avoid any future clogging up I guess I have no other choice then to de-install the main tank and have it properly cleaned and give it a new coating. To be continued.

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